Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh October

 Oh, how I love October! October is a special month for us, Our wedding anniversary, my 27th birthday is on Halloween and then our little one is expected around the 25th of this month...maybe she will hold out and be a little birthday surprise. But I am loving the cooler weather that October brings. The smell of crock-pot dinners warm the house. Sweet Pumpkin Spice lattes wake me up in the mornings and candy corn is a must this time of year.

I was so excited to get the Halloween and Fall decorations out, I wanted to have them on display before baby arrives so now our livingroom is full of witches, ghosts, goblins and the scent of pumpkin spice.
Our tree out back, has turned a vibrant yellow and the trees covering the hills around us are speckled red, orange and yellow. It won't be long now, the leaves will fall to the ground and the trees will be bare. I wish that fall lasted just a little longer.
Happy October everyone! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

3 Happy Years

 Three years ago today, I married the love of my silly, not Johnny Depp!

This guy!
Happy Anniversary Tucker! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alcove Springs

 Awhile back, husband and I stopped at Alcove Spring Park to do a little walk-about. Alcove Springs is on the Oregon-California trail and it's a large meadow where they used to stop and set up camp in the early 1800's. What's neat about it is there are many names and initials that were carved into the rock around the natural spring by the settlers. I have no clue how the letters were carved so deep into the stone but they are perfectly legible still today.